Clothing Closet
Our clothes closet is open to all
We have clothing and shoes for women, men, and children. No identification is required. Coats and boots are available during the winter season. We do not distribute undergarments.
In light of the coronavirus pandemic, requests for clothing items are taken verbally when clients visit the Food Pantry or via phone.
BTS volunteers select items in the client’s sizes
and bag them for pick or delivery
(if they are on the food delivery schedule).
Caseworkers and social workers are welcome to call
(585) 512-8911 to request items for their clients and to pick them up on behalf of their clients.

Winter Clothing Drive
Each year BTS conducts a winter clothing drive.
Winter coats and boots are distributed on alternating years.
Winter boots will be the focus of Winter 2020.
If you are interested in donating, please contact us!
Get in touch with us
549 Clarissa Street
Rochester, NY 14608